Have you called us recently and been guided to our support page so we can remote in to troubleshoot? Are you using a MacBook or other Apple computer/laptop?

This guide will illustrate what permissions are required to allow us to see your screen and remotely control your device

Step 1

Navigate to https://support.gowifi.co.nz/ and enter the code provided to you by the Go Wireless NZ staff member.

Step 2

The ConnectWise Client should download and prompt you with a security warning.

Step 3

Open System Preferences and navigate to the Accessibility tab.

Step 4

Click the lock and enter your user password as required. Place a tick next to ConnectWise Control Client in the Application list.

Step 5

Navigate to Screen Recording and place a tick next to ConnectWise Control Client.

The Go Wireless NZ staff member should now be able to control and see your screen.